Brothers Gas




Return Policy

7 Days Returns –You have 7 days to make a refund request after your order has been delivered.

Easy and Free Returns –You can return any product you have bought, and we will take care of the return shipping costs.

Full Refunds –If the item you have received is damaged, defective or not as described on the website, you will receive a full refund along with any shipping fees applied.

Authenticity Guarantee –If your purchase is found to be counterfeit, you will receive a full refund along with any shipping fees payed.

How does Return Policy Work?
Initiate A Return –Call our customer support number.

Schedule Pick-up –A pick-up will be scheduled by one of our courier services.

Return The Item –Pack the item in its original state and packaging. Hand over the package to the courier representative.

Refund Processed –Once we receive your returned item, we will inspect it and process your refund.

Refunds – Refunds will be done only through the Original Mode of Payment.