Brothers Gas

Carbon Dioxide

Carbon Dioxide

Liquid Co2 is the Colorless and odorless Liquid form of carbon dioxide (CO2) with a temperature at -69.88°F (-56.6°C) or below. Liquid Co2 is using in many of the industries like welding application in automobile sector, Carbonate in water treatment, Cooling process in pharmaceuticals etc,.

From the Lco2, Dry Ice is produced interms of Dry ice blocks and the pellets for using different applications for different sector like transit medicines, blasting, fog presentation, cold storage, Air catering etc,.

In Large operations, demand requires a bulk storage tank installation. APG install and maintains bulk storage tank terminals at Customer's site to meet their Gas circulation. We have vide range of storage tanks available from the range of 5 Metric Tonnes – 100 Metric Tonnes which we can be support any range of consumption and their total gas requirement.


  • Shielding gas while Welding application in automobile sector.
  • Carbonate in water treatment.
  • Cooling process in pharmaceuticals.
  • Liquid nitrogen has the capacity to inflict dangerous frost bites.

Safety Informaions:

  • Intensely very cold and hence contact with bare skin should be avoided.
  • Carbon dioxide gas is heavier than air and is an ashyxiant - care should be taken to avoid accumulation at low levels or in confined spaces.
  • Dry Ice must not be placed in tightly sealed containers. Sufficient care (ie) vents must be provided to allow the gas evolved to escape.

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